“Providing Vital Resources For Texas Prisoners, Their Families, And The Children Of Incarcerated Parents."



This feature is designed to package "Vital Resources" for a True Educational Campaign that helps solve the Crises concerning our Nations prisons-- A social institution that effects us all, one way or another.

As a nation (made up of our families), we've (personally and collectively) allowed the United States of America to become the leader of incarcerating its people for unjust periods of time!  We lead the world in mass incarceration!  Mass incarceration has widespread ill-effects upon individual lives, our families & communities, even adverse effects on Nation-State treasury budgets, Taxpayers dollars, Human Resource departments and child protective services (etc.)


We at ODV do not settle for re-forming, re-naming and re-labeling the same old prison problems(s).  We focus on getting to the core root and solving problematic, crisis situations.  In efforts to do this, we Bring Real People together as a Social Network to dialogue, interact, educate & equip ourselves to establish truth and justice in this age of connectivity.


We will not be bias in our services.  Our dedication is to the cause, not the color of skin, status or beliefs of those we serve.  In this educational process we must include prisoners, ex-prisoners, family members, community leaders, government officals and whoever else is concerned.  Far too many people aren't aware of how a prisoner pays his or her debt back to society.  Nor how the Judicial system is suppose to work, or how to get involved in change for the better.


There's a need for a true Educational Campaign for all parties involved and our TEXAS SOCIAL JUSTICE COMMITTEE will help in these efforts.

* The re-entry social mobility platform:                                             the basics of re-entry deals with the physical and psychological transition from prison life to life in the modern work society.

It also calls for a person to be able to locate and identifynecessary resources for personal developement, social mobility and true progress, it's not just about physically "getting out of prison."
It's about making necessary changes to adapt to what's needed in order to survive and succeed in this modern world, from the in-side out.

* Interview with prisoners & ex-prisoners, particularly because "Experience Speaks" volumes.  Report:There are upwards 70 million Americans with a Criminal Record and approximately 7 million under the control of the Criminal Justice System.

* Current updates & Links Concerning policies, parole, re-entry, laws/legislative issues-- and how to navigate administrative institutions.

* Outreach to the Youth of our Nation in efforts to help stop them from falling into the school-to-prison (to disenfranchisement) pipeline.

* EXTENDED BONDS program to foster Healthy Relationships between incarcerated parents and their children...Report: Between 33 million- 36.5 million children in the United States--nearly half of U.S Children--have at least one parent with a Criminal Record.

* SAVE THE FAMILY INITIATIVES to enhance the Quality of Rehabilitation through family and friends interactivities--while prisoners are incarcerated and preparations regarding re-entry back to society.

* Initiate Crime Redemption programs that really address healing for victims of crime(s), along with healing for prisoners, ex-prisoners, their families & society. 




Reentry Social Mobility

Graduation Class




We thank you all for your support and sponsorship in the overall Reentry Social Mobility Initiative to help today's incarcerated Human Being i.e. systematically classified as Offenders in one of our Nations' Social Institutions: Prison. 


Also, thank you for not only assisting spiritually, mentally, physically, emotionally, and socially, but further educating and equiping the general public on better ways to get involved in the reentry process!


The Reentry Social Mobility graduating class experienced a very powerful Graduating Ceremony that included Volunteers from the General Pulblic, and the Chaplaincy Department of Texas Department of Criminal Justice.


The ACHIEVERS who graduated:


1). A. Miller                          6). B. Chatman (Mu'allim)

2). J. McNeill                       7). D. Crump (Aqil)

3). S. Charles                      8). R. Rangel 

4). J. McDonald                   9). C. Dennis

5). E. McBride Jr.               10). T. Hairston


"What I received from the Reentry Social Mobility program is more than I can express in a word, sentence, or even a few sentences.  But if I had to pick just one word it would have to be BLUEPRINT- a technical drawing that lays out the details of a structure or building.  In other words, a BLUEPRINT depicts a future reality"

-- R. Rangel



"The time I've spent with my classmates has helped me immensely with my communication and social interaction skills.  Reentry and Social Mobility has given me the knowledge and confidence to face my future.  I've come to know that I can overcome my past, to be a positive influence on others, and to become a productive member of society and my community" -- J. McNeill



"RSM to me means learning to navigate socially out in society while succeeing in reaching my goals." -- Shonn C.



"I am part of the Reentry of Soicial Mobility program here on Ramsey unit.  This program has inspired me to go beyond these walls and bars by equiping me mentally, physically, and spiritually on how to be successful on the inside as well as the outside.  The group participants help me to identify what it was that was hindering my progress inside my life's goals with self, family, career, as well as community and relationships." 

-- A. Miller



"In three decades of incarceration I have been blessed to see and understand that the only real REENTRY or rehabilitation that takes place in prison is what the prisoner takes upon himself to do for him or herself.  The Reentry Social Mobility class has reinforced this fact.  That, in a place that's designed to dehumanize, the only way the captive can free himself, and return to his community as his best self is to strive to help himself with the help of others that understands his plight" -- B. Chatman



"..Participating in the RSM program has helped me realize more and morethat "LIFE" cannot be incarcerated;  And as I(We) stay plugged into THE SOURCE OF LIFE, life giving teachings and people -- I(We) will always be able to unlock the right thoughts, solutions and actions beyond circumstances.  However, there's a onesided unjust social narrative that works to keep those in prison locked into a criminal past, instead of updating our files of good deeds done in real time;  and presenting it to people in society at large.  So, as we make real strides to be better Men, our good deeds must be packaged and made available to our families, friends, and communities.  This is most definitely a key aspect of establishing truth and social justice"  -- D. Crump

"Reentry and Social Mobility is a class of its own.  Designed and structured to help an individual to navigate himself through modern society.  This is not a 6months or 90 day course, this class is designed to prepare you(us) for everyday task and experiences as well as resources;  from parenting to tapping into job skills.  This is a step towards Prison Reform, a step toward reintergration in society, a step towards reorganizing families and communities, and last;  a step towards knowing who you are, what you are and what dictates your purpose in life.  How can you still be addicted to drugs and alcohol after being incarcerated any amount of years free from any substances?  REentry and Social Mobility on the Ramsey unit helps to tap into the root of our problems and subconscious.  Reentry and Social Mobility also gives individuals an outlet to express how badly Texas prisons needs 'Independent Oversight' and 'Families For Prison Reform' (or FAMI - Families Against Mass Incarceration).  As a family member who loves your son, sister, brother, father or mother, you must get involved in this vicious circle of recycling your love ones with the same 'Old Results'.  WE need better quality of living conditions and the greatest need ever, to address is Mental Illness."  -- Earl McBride (Still locked up since 1980)